Our Strategy

Our Strategy

Things do not go well internationally

without experienced hands at the helm…

Our Strategy

Things do not go well internationally

without experienced hands at the helm…

To effectively and safely manage an international insurance solution is just as demanding as getting eight oarsmen to pull together or conducting an orchestra.

Collaboration between brokers

For each foreign location, we select an experienced co-broker from our network who is familiar with local challenges. From the overall strategy of our group we then decide together with them which insurance should be provided locally, and which cover should be provided by us as a leading broker. For the local work the foreign subsidiary gives the co-broker a separate broker contract.

What is important in this is that we as the leading broker take active control of the whole process. The following chart demonstrates how this is done effectively.

The factors of our success:

  • No language barriers
    Our co-brokers advise you in your language. All co-ordination with our network takes place in English.
  • One cover concept agreed with you for the whole Group
    This is implemented by our co-brokers taking account of the relevant local requirements.
    Insuring your business is not left to the different interests and assessment of the subsidiary.
  • Worldwide top cover
    Master-cover protection ensures that the quality of German business cover is extended to all subsidiaries.
  • Suitable insurers
    In foreign countries we select the appropriate local insurer in conjunction with the co-broker.
  • Pooled reporting
    Information flow in all directions is assured by a reporting system which provides the essential overview.
  • Ongoing co-ordination of the participating brokers
    We relieve you of this time-consuming task.

Giesbert Sandkühler

Your partner to talk to first of all

Gisbert Sandkühler


(fon) 05 41 – 40 40 – 0
(fax) 05 41 – 40 40 – 350


Discuss your security and risk management needs with us

We would be pleased to answer all your questions on protection and risk minimisation.

+49 - 541 - 40 40 - 0