Requirements of the Medium-sized Business
Risks come in many shapes and sizes. The vital thing is to recognise them in time …
Requirements of the Medium-sized Business
Risks come in many shapes and sizes. The vital thing is to recognise them in time …

Every opportunity carries a risk, the two are inseparable. The only question is how well you use your opportunities, and in doing so, to what degree you keep your risks under control.
Even if the topic sounds unimportant, it is only in a very few medium-sized companies that a functioning risk management system can be set up without external help. Often what is missing are continuity and suitable communications about risk. However this is much easier to install than many other business processes.
There are three challenges in risk management:
- To recognise all risks in a structured way, or as we say, to have them on the radar.
- To regularly exchange information internally about risks.
- To develop the correct counter-measures in good time from the results of analyses.
The need for risk management:
The demand for establishing a risk management system comes from three sources:
- The strategic stabilisation of the success process:
Ensuring the ability to supply with shorter and shorter reaction times for risk prevention.
- The legal requirements of many types of business:
Among them those of [simple_tooltip content=’Mit “KonTraG” wird das Gesetz zur Kontrolle und Transparenz im Unternehmensbereich bezeichnet. Darin wird für AGs ein angemessenes Überwachungs- und Früherkennungssystem
(u. a. Risikomanagement) gefordert.Für GmbHs und GmbH und Co. KGs hat dieses Gesetz ausstrahlende Wirkung.’]KonTraG (German Law on Monitoring and Transparency in Business)..[/simple_tooltip]
- Bank demands for provision of credit following [simple_tooltip content=’Unter “Basel II” versteht man die Regelungen der Baseler Eigenkapitalvereinbarung. Kern dieser Vereinbarung ist, dass Banken für Kredite eine genormte Risikobeurteilung vornehmen.In Abhängigkeit von diesen Ergebnissen müssen die Banken einen Teil der Kreditsumme mit ihrem Eigenkapital unterlegen, was die Kreditkosten beeinflusst.’] “Basel II”[/simple_tooltip]
Bank ratings are becoming much more stringent.
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We would be pleased to answer all your questions on protection and risk minimisation.
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